4-H Youth Development

We want to brag on these eight Smyth County 4-H'ers who made their way with us to 4-H Day at the Capitol on January 23, 2023. So proud of each one of them for shaing their love of 4-H, the impact that being involved in 4-H has made in their lives, and for allowing us to experience this with them. We see the growth, the impact, and value being a part of Smyth County4-H ourselves. Way to go yound ladies and young men.

Smyth County 4-H would like to share how Proud we are of three of our own. Anita Bear, Bryton Atkins, and Charity Osborne have been in Louisville, KY(November 15-17, 2022) representing our state of Virginia at the National Poultry competition. Not just representing Virginia, but truly representing themselves all that they are capable of. They have studied and studied, lots of hours out with their coaches and club leaders. Huge "Thank You" to Ashley and David Osborne and Kristen Haynes fo all you have done for these 4-Hers and Smyth County.
4-H Camp Information:
Smyth County Junior 4-H Camp will be held, at the SWVA 4-H Educational Center in Abingdon, VA. If interest in attending Smyth County 4-H Camp, please, contact our office for additional information.
Instructions to enroll into 4H Clubs and 4H Camp: